Welcome to the Colorado General Assembly's official website
The Second Regular Session of the Sixty-ninth General Assembly will convene January 8, 2014.

Representative Mark Ferrandino
Speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives

On behalf of the 65 members of the House of Representatives, I welcome you to the Colorado General Assembly’s official website. Your visit means you are engaged in the processes by which the people of Colorado, through their elected representatives, govern themselves.

The General Assembly includes two legislative bodies, the House of Representatives and the Senate. With careful deliberation that involves public hearings and, at times, vigorous debate, the two chambers enact new laws and revise or abolish existing laws; draft and approve the state government’s annual budget; and oversee the various state departments that deliver services to the people of Colorado.

This website includes the same searchable database that we legislators use to find every bill introduced in the House or Senate over the last 15 years; other searchable databases for the Colorado Constitution and Colorado Revised Statutes, with laws dating back to the state’s founding in 1876; descriptions of the roles and activities of the legislative committees that scrutinize every bill; contact information for state legislators and maps of their districts; and information for visitors to the State Capitol in Denver.

Thanks for your interest. We welcome your input.

Senator Lucia Guzman
President Pro Tempore of the Colorado Senate

Welcome to the official website of the Colorado General Assembly! This resource is provided to you as a direct portal to the work of your elected officials. Here you will find schedules for public hearings on proposed legislation, full text and descriptions of proposed changes to laws, official records of each vote cast by legislators, and much more. The democratic process requires participation from the public, and this website is intended to be a catalyst for participation.

It is an honor to serve you
, and our goal is to provide you with responsive, responsible government. We hope you utilize this resource to stay engaged in our work, and help us make the best choices for all Coloradans. If you have an idea, a comment or a question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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This page last updated: 09/18/2024 01:13 PM MDT
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