

Time:07:31 AM to 08:51 AM
Becker K.
Place:SCR 356
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Vigil
This Report was prepared by
Matt Becker
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Potential Committee Legislation
Project Prioritization
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

07:31 AM -- Potential Committee Legislation

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Ms. Esther van Mourik, Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS), came to the table to discuss potential committee legislation. Committee members received a summary of potential committee legislation, prepared by Ms. van Mourik (Attachment A). Ms. van Mourik discussed potential legislation related to the flexibility in the interim supplemental process and to the art in public places program (LLS 15-0649). She also discussed potential legislation related to cleaning up real property statutes (LLS 15-0650), a change to Joint Rule 45 regarding controlled maintenance (LLS 15-0872), creating a depreciation sub-account within the capital construction fund for the Department of Human Services (DHS) regional centers (LLS 15-0878), and a refinance of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation lab in Grand Junction (LLS 15-0879).

150210 AttachA.pdf150210 AttachA.pdf

07:42 AM

Ms. van Mourik discussed the need for delayed status for the potential legislation.

07:42 AM -- Project Prioritization

Representative Vigil discussed the Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB) prioritized list of FY 2015-16 capital budget requests and the prioritized list prepared by Legislative Council Staff. In response to a committee question regarding the total amount available for recommendation, Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, responded that the total amount was approximately $172 million. In response to a committee question regarding the Systems Biotechnology Building, Academic Wing project from the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU Boulder), Ms. Donaldson discussed the funding history and the continuation status of the project.

07:48 AM

Mr. Erick Scheminske, Deputy Director of OSPB, came to the table to respond to committee questions. In response to committee questions regarding the CU Boulder Systems Biotechnology Building project, Mr. Scheminske discussed OSPB's reasoning for classifying the project as a continuation project. Discussion ensued regarding committee approval of the Capitol Complex Master Plan.

07:57 AM

Discussion ensued on the Departmental Master Plan project from DHS and two projects from the Department of Personnel and Administration (DPA): the Capitol Grounds Water Conservation and Landscaping project and the Parking Lot Repair and Replacement, Capitol Complex project. Mr. Scheminske stated that the Capitol Grounds Water Conservation and Landscaping project falls outside the scope of the Capitol Complex Master Plan. He also discussed the two other projects submitted by DPA (Capitol Annex Building Renovation and Centennial Building Renovation), as they relate to the Capitol Complex Master Plan.

08:04 AM

Senator Sonnenberg requested that DHS and the Department of Public Safety (DPS) inform the committee of each agency's top two prioritized projects. Discussion ensued on the priority order for projects submitted by DHS and DPS. Discussion ensued on the Engine Replacement, Division of Fire Prevention and Control project from DPS.

08:18 AM

Discussion ensued on the Buckley P-4 Conservation Easement project from the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), its related cost per acre, and the buffer it will provide around Buckley Air Force Base. The committee also discussed the Security Perimeter Fence, Kipling Village project from DHS.

08:25 AM

Discussion ensued on funding projects for higher education institutions and on the capital renewal projects prioritized by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE). Mr. Andrew Rauch, lead finance analyst with the Department of Higher Education, came to the table to discuss CCHE's prioritization process and criteria. Committee discussion ensued.

08:41 AM

Discussion ensued on the two projects submitted by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Mr. Scheminske discussed CDOT's priorities and expected funding from other sources in FY 2015-16. Discussion ensued on removing the DHS master plan project, the DPA Capitol grounds project, and the DPA parking lot project from the list of projects recommended for funding. Discussion ensued on replacing the DHS master plan project with $1 million to fund a new planning unit within the Office of the State Architect.

08:51 AM

The committee adjourned.