

Time:07:51 AM to 08:30 AM
Becker K.
Place:SCR 356
This Meeting was called to order by
Representative Vigil
This Report was prepared by
Matt Becker
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
Colorado Mesa University 15-16 Requests
CDOT 15-16 Requests
MSU Denver 15-16 Request
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

07:51 AM -- Colorado Mesa University 15-16 Requests

The committee was called to order. Mr. Tim Foster, President, Mr. Connor Boe, President of the Associated Student Government, and Mr. Douglas Price, Board of Trustees, all representing Colorado Mesa University, came to the table to discuss three FY 2015-16 capital budget requests. Committee members received a handout from the university and a summary of the university's budget requests, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachments A and B, respectively). Mr. Foster discussed the university's expected growth over the past five years, the university's financial aid investment, and its capital priorities. Mr. Boe discussed the student body's involvement in and support of the university's capital projects. In response to a committee question regarding the Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power System project, Mr. Foster discussed the need for electrical power to run heat exchange plants on the campus. Discussion ensued on other entities, including a local hospital, that would share in the operational costs of the project. Mr. Price discussed the collaboration between several entities in Grand Junction. In response to a committee question regarding student enrollment, Mr. Foster responded that 45 percent of the student body comes from western Colorado, 40 percent from the Front Range, and 15 percent from other areas. He also discussed the university's graduation and placement rates for students in health sciences.

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08:03 AM

In response to a committee question regarding workforce issues and possible collaboration with area health care institutions, Mr. Foster further discussed the university's partnership with a local hospital.

08:07 AM -- CDOT 15-16 Requests

Mr. Joshua Laipply, Chief Engineer, representing the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), came to the table to discuss CDOT's FY 2015-16 budget requests. Committee members received a summary of the budget requests, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment C). Mr. Laipply discussed the I-70 Genessee Bike Path project. Discussion on the project and current safety issues ensued. Mr. Laipply then discussed CDOT's second request for the Automated I-70 Avalanche Reduction project. Mr. Laipply described the automated Gazex system that would be deployed as part of the project. In response to a committee question regarding the Gazex system, Mr. Laipply discussed the gas mixture used in the system. Discussion ensued on why the department does not monitor all avalanche paths in the state. In response to a committee question regarding installation time, Mr. Laipply responded that the project could be constructed over one summer season. In response to a committee question regarding the Berthoud Pass location, Mr. Laipply responded that the Berthoud Pass location will be funded by the department's excess funds from last year, rather than through this budget request.

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08:15 AM -- MSU Denver 15-16 Request

Dr. Stephen M. Jordan, President, Mr. Steve Kreidler, Vice President of Administration, Finance, and Facilities, and Mr. Sean Nesbitt, Director of Facilities Planning, all representing Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSUD), came to the table to discuss the university's FY 2015-16 capital budget requests. Committee members received a handout prepared by MSUD and a summary of the budget requests, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachments D and E, respectively). Dr. Jordan updated the committee on its Aerospace Engineering Sciences project. Discussion ensued on the project, including collaboration with Lockheed Martin and the need for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) students to meet the aerospace and advanced manufacturing industry needs in the state. Dr. Jordan also discussed examples of recent graduates of the university's computer science and aerospace programs. In response to a question regarding the source of cash funds for the project, Dr. Jordan responded that MSUD plans to use the state's Higher Education Revenue Bond Intercept Program to finance the project.

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08:24 AM

Mr. Joe Rice, Mr. Mark Yoss, and Ms. Michelle Jansen, all representing Lockheed Martin, came to the table to discuss support for the project. Mr. Rice explained its involvement with investment in higher education institutions and STEM programs. He said the company's involvement with MSUD fills a niche in the emerging field of aerospace and advanced manufacturing. Mr. Yoss discussed the company's recent capital investment in engineering programs and related equipment. Ms. Jansen discussed the company's recent recruitment of qualified students in STEM fields from Colorado. She said Colorado's continued investment in STEM programs has been important for the company. The committee received a letter of support from Lockheed Martin (Attachment F).

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08:30 AM

The committee adjourned.