

Time:07:32 AM to 08:47 AM
Becker K.
Place:SCR 356
This Meeting was called to order by
Senator Baumgardner
This Report was prepared by
Kori Donaldson
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Bills Addressed: Action Taken:
History Colorado 15-16 Requests
School for the Deaf and the Blind 15-16 Request
School of Mines 15-16 Request
Other Business
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only
Witness Testimony and/or Committee Discussion Only

07:33 AM -- History Colorado 15-16 Requests

The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Mr. Ed Nichols, President, Mr. Joseph Bell, Vice President of Finance, Facilities and Regional Museums, and Mr. Andy Stine, Division Director of Facilities and Regional Museums, all representing History Colorado, presented one state-funded and one cash-funded FY 2015-16 capital request. Committee members received a summary of the requests, prepared by Legislative Council Staff, and several letters of support on behalf of the Georgetown Loop Business Capitalization project, provided by History Colorado (Attachments A and B, respectively). Mr. Nichols described the Georgetown Loop Business Capitalization request. He discussed the condition of the various locomotives and total ridership during the last year. Mr. Nichols and Mr. Bell responded to questions from the committee about the cash-funded component of the project. Mr. Bell said donations and gifts have been secured on behalf of the project. Mr. Nichols next described the Regional Museum Preservation project. He said the regional museums are top economic drivers in local communities.

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07:41 AM

Mr. Nichols and Mr. Stine described the various controlled maintenance projects prioritized and recommended for funding in FY 2015-16 by the Office of the State Architect. Mr. Stine discussed two projects that were funded from the FY 2013-14 General Fund surplus. Discussion continued on the topic of History Colorado's FY 2015-16 controlled maintenance needs.

07:47 AM -- School for the Deaf and the Blind 15-16 Request

Ms. Carol Hilty, Superintendent, former Senator Andy McElhaney, Chair, Board of Trustees, and Mr. Kevyn Brown, Facilities Manager, all representing the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (CSDB), presented one state-funded FY 2015-16 capital request: Jones and Palmer Hall Renovation. Committee members received a description of the request, prepared by Legislative Council Staff, and a summary of the request, provided by the CSDB (Attachments C and D, respectively.) Superintendent Hilty made some introductory remarks about the school. Mr. Brown described the condition of the two buildings included in the request and how these buildings fail to adequately address the needs of the student population and various programs. He explained that a goal of the project is to address safety issues. Superintendent Hilty addressed a question about the cost to produce a braille text book. Discussion ensued on this topic.

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07:57 AM

Mr. Brown continued to describe the needed upgrades in Jones and Palmer Halls. Senator McElhaney expressed gratitude for the past support of the General Assembly and reiterated the need for the project. Mr. Brown echoed Senator McElhaney's remarks and described the school's FY 2015-16 controlled maintenance requests. Superintendent Hilty addressed a question about the number of students served on campus and statewide. She also said the ultimate goal of the school's programs is for its students to be employed after graduation and described a recently completed lighting project supported through a Building Excellent Schools Today grant.

08:04 AM -- School of Mines 15-16 Request

Dr. Bill Scoggins, President, and Ms. Kirsten Volpi, Vice President for Finance and Administration, both representing the Colorado School of Mines, presented one state-funded FY 2015-16 capital request. Committee members received a description of the request, prepared by Legislative Council Staff, and a copy of the school's presentation (Attachments E and F, respectively). Dr. Scoggins made introductory remarks about the school and discussed total enrollment and graduation rates (pages 1-3 in Attachment F). He next addressed a question from the committee about the number of students that qualify and participate in the Colorado Scholars Program. Dr. Scoggins concluded his presentation by thanking the committee for its past support for capital projects.

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08:15 AM

Ms. Volpi gave an overview of the school's five-year projection of capital need (page 5 in Attachment F). She next described the FY 2015-16 state-funded request for the Heating Plant Renovation project. Ms. Volpi described various alternatives the school considered in lieu of renovating the existing heating plant and replacing failing boiler equipment. She addressed a question about the potential for the project to participate in the high performance certification program.

08:17 AM -- Other Business

Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, discussed potential Joint Budget Committee (JBC) legislation related to the capital process. The JBC voted to direct the Office of Legislative Legal Services to draft the legislation at its January 13 meeting. Committee members received an excerpt of a JBC staff document outlining three items of proposed legislation related to capital construction (Attachment G). Ms. Donaldson first presented item #18 on Attachment G. Discussion ensued on the source of funds for capital and information technology projects. Discussion continued on the topic of the role of the Joint Technology Committee, the source of funds for capital and information technology projects, and the implications of creating a subaccount within the Capital Construction Fund. Ms. Donaldson next presented item #19 on Attachment G.

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08:36 AM

Ms. Donaldson briefly introduced item #20 on Attachment G and Mr. Alfredo Kemm, JBC staff, came to the table to further discuss item #20 and to answer committee questions. Mr. Kemm also addressed earlier questions raised during the discussion of item #18.

08:47 AM

The meeting adjourned.