(a) On a motion being made and seconded to close the doors of the Senate on the discussion of any business which may, in the opinion of any Senator require secrecy, or on motion being made and carried that the Senate go into executive session, the President shall direct all except the Senators and secretary and sergeant-at-arms to withdraw, and during the executive session and the discussion of said motion the doors shall remain shut, and every member and officer shall keep secret all matters, words, and proceedings that have transpired during the course of said executive session.

(b) Whenever the Senate shall go into the consideration of executive business the proceedings of the Senate in such business shall be kept in a separate journal, which shall not be inspected by any others than the members of the Senate unless otherwise ordered by the Senate. The Governor shall, from day to day, be notified by the secretary of the action of the Senate, upon executive nominations, but no further extract from the executive journal shall be furnished, published, or otherwise communicated, except by special order of the Senate.

(c) This rule has been repealed.

(d) Any Senator, and officer of the Senate convicted of disclosing any words, statements, matters, or proceedings occurring during an executive session shall be liable, if a Senator, to expulsion, and if an officer, to dismissal from the service of the Senate. All matters, words, discussions, and proceedings, save for exception set forth in subsection (b) of this rule shall be deemed to be secret and in confidence, unless the Senate shall by a majority vote during an executive session direct otherwise.