Date: 07/09/2009
Medicare Perspectives on Hospice
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11:06 AM -- Medicare Perspectives on Hospice
Cathy Claiser, Lead Hospice Liaison, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), introduced herself and provided a power point presentation to the committee (Attachment D). Ms. Claiser explained her background to the committee. Ms. Claiser stated that the emphasis of the hospice program is to keep the patient in the home. Ms. Claiser discussed the types of services provided by hospice programs.
11:24 AM
Ms. Claiser spoke to the requirements one must meet in order to qualify for Medicare coverage for hospice care. She spoke to the settings in which hospice can be provided, such as in one's own home, a long-term care facility, or in-patient hospice facility. She also provided details regarding the type of services that Medicare provides for hospice care, such as routine home care, continuous care, respite care, and short-term inpatient care. Ms. Claiser spoke to various issues with regard to Medicare coverage of hospice, such as:
- staffing;
- payment for services; and
- initial surveys for licensure and recertification.
11:36 AM
Ms. Claiser detailed how CMS approves and certifies hospice care programs. She spoke to the licensing procedures and briefly discussed the multiple location approval process. She outlined the requirements in how a patient chooses a program. She stated that patients must meet Medicare hospice eligibility criteria and that the patient does have the right to choose their own hospice, but there are certain requirements for that must be met in order for a patient to contract with a specific hospice care center.
11:50 AM
Committee members discussed reimbursement by Medicare for hospice care. Ms. Claiser provided concluding remarks on her presentation.
12:01 PM
The committee took a recess.