Date: 08/31/2009

Public Testimony


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03:46 PM -- Public Testimony

Devorah Kappers discussed the Aid to the Needy Disabled (AND) program. She said that there will be an increase in homelessness if funding is cut to the AND program.

03:50 PM

Irene Aguilar provided a handout on Healthcare for All Colorado and the benefits of a single-payer health system (Attachment P). Dr. Aguilar stated she is a primary care provider and advocates for a single-payer system. She described the lack of health care coverage among minorities and vulnerable populations. She expressed concern that the national health care reform legislation will not contain a robust public option, which she supports.


03:58 PM

Diane Lucas stated that she is a retired physician and described her concerns regarding medical malpractice insurance. She explained that pediatricians are exposed to liability for treating patients for up to 22 years after treatment. She stated that when a physician retires, they typically purchase "tail insurance" to cover suits that come up in subsequent years. Dr. Lucas further explained that if a physician re-enters practice, they have to pay back the insurance company. She stated that she views this as a barrier for physicians re-entering practice. She described compensation committees under a single-payer system and stated that system is preferable to the tort-based system currently in place.

Senator Boyd stated that the next meeting of the Health Care Task Force is September 14, 2009. The committee scheduled the meeting from 8:30 am to noon. Representative Frangas spoke to the forthcoming report from the Task Force to Study Home Placement Agencies. Senator Boyd stated that draft legislation will be taken during the next meeting. The task force adjourned.