Date: 09/14/2009

Draft Legislation


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

11:05 AM -- Draft Legislation

Representative McCann asked that legislation be drafted that would:
- restrict gender ratings in health insurance; and
- establish a dental carve out in Medicaid.

Representative Massey requested legislation be drafted that would:
- clean up language from the Senate Bill 07-196, which concerns health information technology;
- implement Screen, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT Colorado) for substance abuse (Attachment J); and
- allow association health plans to provide health insurance coverage across state lines.


Representative Frangas requested legislation be drafted that would:
- restore funding cuts for health services including mental health and the Old Age Pension Fund;
- mandate that individual health insurance policies provide maternity coverage; and
- regulate home care placement agencies.

Senator Schwartz stated she would like legislation drafted to require licensure of home care workers.

Senator Foster stated that she would like legislation drafted to provide affordable universal health care coverage with option to opt into any system the federal government establishes.

Senator Boyd stated that she would like legislation drafted that would:
- address the funding mechanism Ms. Bragg-Gamble spoke to regarding CoverColorado;
- establish community and municipal planning and coordination for health care services;
- establish a scholarship program in the University of Colorado - School of Medicine that would recruit primary care physicians to work in underserved areas.

11:24 AM

Senator Boyd adjourned the meeting.