Date: 09/14/2009

Cover Kids 2010


Votes: View--> Action Taken:

8:35 AM -- Senator Boyd called the meeting to order. She stated that the task force would be proposing legislation later in the morning.

08:41 AM -- Cover Kids 2010

Tara Trujillo, Director of Health Programs, Colorado Children's Campaign, introduced herself and provided several handouts to the committee including a power point handout of her presentation, an Executive Summary of the barriers that keep Colorado's eligible children and families out of Medicaid and the Children's Basic Health Plan (CHP+), a fact sheet from Cover All Kids by 2010, and a fact sheet on the demographics of the uninsured children in Colorado (Attachments A, B, C, and D respectively).

090914AttachA.pdf 090914AttachB.pdf 090914AttachC.pdf 090914AttachD.pdf

08:47 AM

Ms. Trujillo described the mission of the Cover All Kids by 2010 initiative. She explained that the initiative began in 2006 and at least 40 organizations are part of the coalition. She stated that more than 12 percent of Colorado's kids are uninsured, which is about 153,000 children. She spoke to the number of children who are eligible but not enrolled in Medicaid and in CHP+, which is approximately 78,000 children. Ms. Trujillo described some of the reasons why children are eligible but not enrolled in CHP+. Members asked several questions regarding how children get enrolled and stay enrolled. Mr. Trujillo spoke to the barriers of enrollment.

09:01 AM

Ms. Trujillo spoke to past legislation regarding children's health insurance. She spoke to the objectives of the initiative which include:
09:09 AM

Sharon Bridgeforth, Metro Organization for People, introduced herself and provided a handout to the task force (Attachment E). She relayed two stories of individuals who had health insurance and went into bankruptcy because they could not either afford the co-pays or their coverage was terminated.
