Date: 01/22/2009
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01:35 PM -- Senate Bill 09-024
Senator White, sponsor, described the provision of Senate Bill 09-24 concerning the responsibility of the Division of Wildlife with respect to game damage compensation. He also described the provisions of Amendment L. 004 (Attachment A) and Amendment L. 005 (Attachment B).
The following persons testified on the bill:
01:42 PM -- Tom Remington, Director of the Division of Wildlife, responded to questions about the division's liability for game damage caused by big game, coyotes, and other wildlife species. He also spoke in opposition to the bill and described the purpose of compensating for game damage and the limit for liability for persons that receive a fee for hunting big game on their land. He explained that total amount of game damages paid by the division is uncapped and estimated that the division will exceed its game damage compensation budget this year. He also explained that SB 09-024 would provide compensation to individuals who are currently ineligible to receive these payments because they receive hunting fees in excess of the $100 cap in Section 33-3-103 (1) (g), C.R.S. SB 09-24 raises this cap to $2,500. Mr. Remmington responded to questions from the committee regarding game damage policies in other states and the impact of the economic situation on license sales.
02:03 PM -- Don Kammerzell, representing himself, expressed concern about hunter access to private lands and spoke in opposition to the bill.
02:06 PM -- John Smeltzer, Colorado Wildlife Federation, spoke in opposition to the bill and described the current state policies to address game damage including the habitat partnership program (HPP). He also responded to questions from the committee about the possibility of the sportsmen's community and the agricultural community agreeing on compromise to address the game damage problem.
02:16 PM -- Kent Ingram, Sportsmen Advisory Group, spoke in opposition to the bill and expressed concern about its impact on license sales and the ability of sportsmen's groups to provide input during the bill drafting process. He also responded to questions from the committee concerning the need to increase the statutory limit on big game hunting access fees as a condition for receiving game damage payments.
02:33 PM -- Steve Hilde, representing himself, spoke in opposition to the bill.
02:37 PM -- Jen Boulton, Colorado Trout Unlimited, spoke in opposition to the Section 3 of the bill that raises the statutory cap on big game hunting access fees. She explained that this change may result in additional game damage compensation paid by the division from revenue obtain from fishing and hunting license fees.
02:41 PM -- Ivan James, Colorado Bowhumters Association, spoke in opposition to the bill.
02:48 PM -- Ron Neuson, Colorado Farm Bureau, spoke in support of the bill and described the difficulty he has experienced obtaining compensation for game damage to his ranch in Moffat County.
02:54 PM -- Hugh Sanberg, Colorado Farm Bureau, Independent Cattlegrowers, spoke in support of the bill and described the economic challenges facing agricultural operators. He also described game damage he experienced on his ranch in Delta County and the game access fees he received in the previous year. He also responded to questions from the committee regarding the response from the Division of Wildlife to game damage problems.
02:59 PM -- Terry Fankhauser, Colorado Cattlemen's Association, spoke in support of the bill.
03:01 PM -- Margie Christiansen, Colorado Outfitters Association, Colorado Elk Breeders Association, spoke in support of the SB 09-024 and described game damage problems she has experienced on her ranch.
03:07 PM
Senator Isgar announced that the bill is laid over to allow time to prepare amendments and address concerns expressed by opponents.
03:10 PM -- Ms. Christiansen responded to questions from the committee concerning the response from the Division of Wildlife to game damage problems that she experienced on her ranch.
03:12 PM
The bill was laid over unamended.
David Peterson, Colorado Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, submitted written testimony in opposition to the bill (Attachment C).