Date: 04/17/2009

Enos Mills Statue Fundraising Effort


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02:22 PM -- Enos Mills Statue Fundraising Effort

Ms. Contiguglia reminded the committee that the committee accepted a sculpture of Enos Mills to be placed in the sculpture park between Lincoln and Broadway and 14th and Colfax. She provided background information about fundraising efforts related to the statue. Ms. Contiguglia told the committee about a letter sent to the Sierra Club (Attachment C) and about the meeting she and Senator Bacon had with a Sierra Club representative. Ms. Contiguglia said she would arrange meetings with Senator Bacon with the other organizations suggested by the Sierra Club, including the Colorado Environmental Coalition, Colorado Conservation Voters, and the Alliance for Sustainable Growth. Ms. Contiguglia described the donation plan she prepared (Attachment D). The committee discussed whether the committee should raise funds, and a suggestion was made that the committee accept pledges but not funds. Ms. Contiguglia requested that the committee discuss this item further at its May meeting and decide whether to accept pledges or funds.