Date: 08/21/2009



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09:33 AM -- Updates

The committee heard updates on the following items:

Solar Panel Display. Mr. Lance Shepherd, Office of the State Architect, came to the table to provide an update on the solar panel display monitor for Mr. Brown's Attic. He provided a handout containing the final version of the slides that will be displayed on the monitor (Attachment A) and explained that the display would be installed in two to three weeks. The committee reviewed the slides, and Mr. Shepherd responded to committee questions and comments.

Attachment A.pdf

The committee gave permission for the installation of the display as presented.

09:39 AM

Armenian Garden. Mr. Lee reported that he, Mr. Lombardi, and Mr. Jim Davis met with Ms. Vi Cooper of Armenians of Colorado in July about the proposed plans for the garden. Mr. Lee further explained that the garden may be impacted by upcoming digging for the proposed ground source heat pump. He talked about the preliminary design for the garden (see Attachment B) and responded to committee questions. He said that the Armenian community is concerned about maintenance of the proposed garden and the possibility that it would be torn up again in the future. Ms. Contiguglia reminded the committee that once there is an agreement on the design of the garden and the timing of its installation, it would need to come back to the committee for review. Committee discussion on the garden, the proposed heat source pump, and the trees in the area ensued.

Attachment B.pdf

09:44 AM

Endangered Places Nomination. Ms. Contiguglia reminded the committee that at its last meeting, Mr. James Hare, Executive Director of Colorado Preservation, Inc., had proposed that the Capitol Dome be nominated for designation as one of Colorado's most endangered places. She said the nomination was presented to, and approved by, the Capital Development Committee. A copy of the final nomination form is contained in Attachment C. Ms. Contiguglia provided information about the selection process, explaining that the dome would compete with other nominations, and that the places to be designated as "Colorado's Most Endangered" would be announced in early February.

Attachment C.pdf

09:47 AM

Memorials and Art In and Around the State Capitol Publication.Ms. Jennifer Thomsen, Legislative Council Staff, reported that she and Ms. Kori Donaldson were in the process of comparing the art and memorials listed in the publication with what currently resides in the building. She noted that Mr. David Hite would be consulted on any discrepancies found. Ms. Contiguglia explained that she had contacted the Art Institute of Colorado to find out if a student intern might be interested in taking photos for archival purposes, but that no one had called to express interest to date. The committee discussed the publication, with Ms. Thomsen responding to questions about the format of the publication.