| Date | | | In Use By | Begin | End | Status | |
| 12/01/2009 | |
| 10/23/2009 | |
| Capitol Building Advisory Committee Recommendation | |
| Colorado School of Mines Cash and Supplemental Requests | |
| Division of State Veterans Nursing Homes FY 2009-10 Supplemental | |
| Division of Vocational Rehabilitation FY 2009-10 Supplemental | |
| Division of Wildlife Real Property Transactions | |
| Election of New Chair and Vice-Chair | |
| Other Business | |
| University of Northern Colorado Cash Request | |
| 07/29/2009 | |
| 07/28/2009 | |
| 06/22/2009 | |
| 04/30/2009 | |
| 04/23/2009 | |
| 04/21/2009 | |
| 04/07/2009 | |
| 03/31/2009 | |
| 03/24/2009 | |
| 03/19/2009 | |
| 03/17/2009 | |
| 03/12/2009 | |
| 03/10/2009 | |
| 03/05/2009 | |
| 03/03/2009 | |
| 02/24/2009 | |
| 02/19/2009 | |
| 02/17/2009 | |
| 02/12/2009 | |
| 02/10/2009 | |