DateIn Use ByBeginEndStatus
Hide details for University of Colorado Colorado SpringsUniversity of Colorado Colorado Springs
Comm Summary08:21 AM03:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
Hide details for University of Colorado DenverUniversity of Colorado Denver
Comm Summary08:21 AM03:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Approve the University of Colorado Denver's Two-Year Projection of Cash Need (see Attachment W). The motion passed on a vote of 5-0-1.Final
Hide details for University of Northern ColoradoUniversity of Northern Colorado
Comm Summary08:21 AM03:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Approve the University of Northern Colorado's FY 2010-11 Two-Year Projection of Cash Need (see Attachment F). The motion passed on a vote of 4-0-2.Final
Hide details for 12/02/200812/02/2008
Hide details for AHEC Emergency Supplemental RequestAHEC Emergency Supplemental Request
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Approve the emergency supplemental request for the Science Building Addition and Renovation project (-$24,743,873, including -$13,443,873 CCF and -$11,300,000 CF). The motion passed on a 5-1 vote. (Attachment E)Final
Hide details for CCHE -- FY 2009-10 Capital RecommendationsCCHE -- FY 2009-10 Capital Recommendations
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
Hide details for CSU -- Waiver RequestsCSU -- Waiver Requests
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Approve the waiver request for the Veterinary Teaching Hospital -- Digital Imaging Equipment Purchases project ($659,814 CF from Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education funds). The motion passed unanimously. (Attachment S)Final
FINAL VOTE - Approve the wavier request for the Veterinary Teaching hospital -- PET/CT Scanner Purchase and Installation ($1,400,000 FF). The motion passed unanimously. (Attachment R)Final
Hide details for DHS -- Request to Waive Six-Month RuleDHS -- Request to Waive Six-Month Rule
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal
Bill Summary Final
FINAL VOTE - Approve the waiver request for the Child Care Automated Tracking System Replacement project ($14,747,783 FF). The motion passed on a 5-0-1 vote. (Attachment O)Final
Hide details for DOC -- Request to Waive Six-Month RuleDOC -- Request to Waive Six-Month Rule
Comm Summary09:09 AM02:49 PMFinal