| Date | | | In Use By | Begin | End | Status | |
| Colorado Workers' Compensation Insurance Market | |
| Jeff Tetrick - Pinnacol CFO | |
| Policyholder Perspectives | |
| Rate Setting - Division of Insurance | |
| Rate Setting for Pinnacol Assurance | |
| 08/04/2009 | |
Interim Committee Legislative Emergency Epidemic Response | |
Interim Committee Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Reform Commission | |
Interim Committee Study of the Financing of Public Schools | |
Interim Committee Transportation Legislation Review Committee | |
Interim Committee Treatment of Persons with Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System | |
Interim Committee Water Resources Review Committee | |
Joint Committee Capital Development | |
Joint Committee Executive Committee of the Legislative Council | |
| 12/19/2008 | |
| 11/10/2009 | |
| 08/17/2009 | |
| 07/13/2009 | |
| Approval of Funding for Additional Interim Committee Meetings | |
| Approval of Interim Committee Drafting Deadlines | |
| Discussion of Capitol Building Security Costs | |
| Update on Senate Television Implementation | |
| Update on the 2011 Reapportionment and Redistricting | |
| 05/07/2009 | |
| 05/04/2009 | |
| 04/20/2009 | |
| 02/13/2009 | |
Joint Committee Joint Agriculture and Natural Resources | |
Joint Committee Joint Business Affairs & Labor | |
Joint Committee Joint Education | |