| Date | | | In Use By | Begin | End | Status | |
| Bill 2 | |
| Bill 3 | |
| Bill 4 | |
| Bill 5 | |
| Bill 6 | |
| 10/15/2009 | |
| 10/14/2009 | |
| 10/02/2009 | |
| 10/01/2009 | |
| 08/20/2009 | |
| 08/19/2009 | |
| 07/29/2009 | |
| Andrew Romanoff | |
| Brad Young | |
| Call to Order | |
| Denver Regional Council of Governments | |
| Fiscal Stability and the Environment | |
| Hank Brown | |
| Jerry Groswold | |
| Lisa Aandeenbrug | |
| Norma Anderson | |
| Open Public Testimony | |
| Phil Hayes | |
| Tony Gagliardi | |
| Tracie Rainey | |
| 07/28/2009 | |
| 07/09/2009 | |
| 07/08/2009 | |
Interim Committee Interim Committee to Study Issues Related to Pinnacol Assurance | |
Interim Committee Legislative Emergency Epidemic Response | |