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Update on Rural Health
Updates from Dept. of Hlth Care Policy & Financing
Interim Committee Hospice and Palliative Care
Draft Legislation
Comm Summary
09:01 AM
10:21 AM
Bill Summary
Moved to change the short title of Draft Bill #4 from "Limit Ability of Advanced Practice Nurse" to "Advance Practice Nurse and Terminal Illness." There was discussion regarding changing the short title of the bill. Representative Roberts amended the motion to change the short title from "Limit Ability of Advanced Practice Nurse" to "Declaring Patients Terminally Ill." The motion passed without objection.
Moved to remove the striken "advanced practice nurse" from line 10 on page 2. The motion passed without objection.
FINAL VOTE - Include Draft Bill #4 - Declaring Patients Terminally Ill - as one of the eight bills recommended by the Interim Committee to Study Hospice and Palliative Care to Legislative Council. The motion passed on a 8-0 roll call vote.
FINAL VOTE - Include Draft Bill #5 - On-line Registry Medical Directives Form - as amended, as one of the eight bills recommended by the Interim Committee to Study Hospice and Palliative Care to Legislative Council. The committee discussed how the bill will be funded. The motion passed on a 7-1 roll call vote.
FINAL VOTE - Include Draft Bill #6 - Medicaid Hospice Life Expectancy - as one of the eight bills recommended by the Interim Committee to Study Hospice and Palliative Care to Legislative Council. The motion passed on a 8-0 roll call vote.
Moved to amend the bill to authorize the department to accept gifts, grants, and donations to pay for the on-line registry. The motion passed without objection.
Moved to strike lines 1 through 17 on page 14 of the draft bill. The motion was withdrawn.
FINAL VOTE - Include Draft Bill #8 - Medicaid Hospice Room and Board Changes - as one of the eight bills recommended by the Interim Committee to Study Hospice and Palliative Care to Legislative Council. The motion passed on a 8-0 roll call vote.
FINAL VOTE - Include Draft Bill #7 - Colorado Medical Treatment Act Updates - as one of the eight bills recommended by the Interim Committee to Study Hospice and Palliative Care to Legislative Council. The motion passed on a 8-0 roll call.
Moved to allow the Office of Legislative Legal Services to make any necessary technical changes to the draft bills. The motion passed without objection.
Interim Committee Interim Commission to Study Fiscal Stability
Interim Committee Interim Committee to Study Issues Related to Pinnacol Assurance
Interim Committee Legislative Emergency Epidemic Response
Interim Committee Police Officers' and Firefighters' Pension Reform Commission
Interim Committee Study of the Financing of Public Schools
Interim Committee Transportation Legislation Review Committee
Interim Committee Treatment of Persons with Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System