This information is prepared as an informational service only and should not be relied upon as an official record of action taken by the Colorado General Assembly.




First Regular Session

Eighth Legislative Day Wednesday, January 13, 1999

Prayer by Rabbi Yaakov Chaitovsky, BMH-BJ Congregation, Denver.

The Speaker called the House to order at 9:00 a.m.

The roll was called with the following result:


Absent and excused--Representative Decker--1.

The Speaker declared a quorum present.


On motion of Representative Coleman, the reading of the journal of January 12, 1999, was dispensed with and approved as corrected by the Chief Clerk.




After consideration on the merits, the Committee recommends the following:

HB99-1057 be referred to the Committee of the Whole with favorable recommendation.

HB99-1061 be amended as follows, and as so amended, be referred to the Committee of the Whole with favorable recommendation:

Amend printed bill, page 3, strike lines 15 through 25, and substitute the following:

"(A)  The division has been provided a copy of a police report, criminal charges, restraining order, medical records, or any other corroborative evidence documenting the domestic abuse;

(B)  The worker provides written substantiation that the worker is receiving assistance or counseling from a recognized counseling entity for domestic abuse;".


After consideration on the merits, the Committee recommends the following:

HB99-1018 be referred to the Committee on Appropriations with favorable recommendation.



The Chief Clerk reports the following bills have been correctly printed: HB99-1153, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1172, 1173, and 1174.



The following bill was considered on Third Reading. The title was publicly read. Reading of the bill at length was dispensed with by unanimous consent.

HB99-1099 by Representatives Sullivant, Spence, Clapp; also Senator Blickensderfer--Concerning the priority of municipal incorporation proceedings commenced for an area containing a specified number of inhabitants over municipal annexation proceedings affecting all or any part of the same area.

On motion of Representative Dean, House Rule 33(b) was suspended by viva voce vote.

Third Reading amendment No. 1, by Representative Pfiffner.

Amend printed bill, page 4, strike lines 22 through 26 and substitute the following:

"(2) (a)  If a petition for an incorporation election is filed pursuant to part 1 of article 2 of this title, then no annexation ordinance that annexes all or any part of the area included in such petition shall be deemed final. This subsection (2) shall apply only if such area proposed for incorporation contains more than seventy-five thousand inhabitants and such petition is filed:

(I)  Prior to the expiration of the sixty-day limitation on review proceedings contained in section 31-12-116 (2) (a); or

(II)  After a review proceeding on such annexation ordinance has been commenced pursuant to section 31-12-116 and prior to the date of a judicial declaration or final judgment, including an appellate judgment, on such review proceeding.

(b)  If such incorporation election is approved by a court order entered pursuant to section 31-2-103, then such annexation ordinance shall be deemed void with respect to any area that is incorporated pursuant to such election.".

Page 5, strike lines 1 through 12.

The amendment was declared passed by the following roll call vote:


Alexander Y

Allen Y

Ament E

Bacon Y

Berry Y

Chavez Y

Clapp Y

Clarke Y

Coleman Y

Dean Y

Decker E

Fairbank Y

Gagliardi Y

Gordon Y

Gotlieb Y

Grossman Y

Hagedorn Y

Hefley Y

Johnson Y

Kaufman Y

Keller Y

Kester Y

King Y

Larson Y

Lawrence Y

Lee Y

Leyba Y

Mace Y

May Y

McElhany Y

McKay Y

McPherson Y

Miller Y

Mitchell Y

Morrison Y

Nuñez Y

Paschall Y

Pfiffner Y

Plant Y

Ragsdale Y

Saliman Y

Sinclair Y

Smith Y

Spence Y

Spradley Y

Stengel Y

Sullivant Y

Swenson Y

Takis Y

Tapia Y

Tate Y

Taylor Y

Tochtrop Y

Tool Y

Tupa Y

Veiga Y

Vigil Y

Webster Y

Williams, S. Y

Williams, T. Y

Windels Y

Witwer Y

Young Y

Zimmerman Y

Mr. Speaker Y

Third Reading amendment No. 2, by Representative Pfiffner.

Amend printed bill, page 4, strike lines 18 through 21 and substitute the following:

"(e)  The enactment of this section and section 31-12-118 (2) (b) is not violative of section 11 of article II of the Colorado constitution with respect to annexation proceedings that are pending or subject to judicial review or appeal on the effective date of this section since:

(I)  Section 11 of article II of the Colorado constitution applies solely to statutes that take away or impair a vested right acquired under existing laws or that impose a new duty or create a new obligation with respect to completed transactions or considerations;

(II)  No person has a vested right in any annexation proceedings that are pending or subject to judicial review or appeal on the effective date of this section that will be impaired by this section or section 31-12-118 (2) (b); and

(III)  This section and section 31-12-118 (2) (b) do not impose a new duty or create a new obligation with respect to any municipal annexation that is completed and that is final and no longer subject to judicial review or appeal.".

The amendment was declared passed by the following roll call vote:


Alexander Y

Allen Y

Ament Y

Bacon Y

Berry Y

Chavez Y

Clapp Y

Clarke Y

Coleman Y

Dean Y

Decker E

Fairbank Y

Gagliardi Y

Gordon Y

Gotlieb Y

Grossman Y

Hagedorn Y

Hefley Y

Johnson Y

Kaufman Y

Keller Y

Kester Y

King Y

Larson Y

Lawrence Y

Lee Y

Leyba Y

Mace Y

May Y

McElhany Y

McKay Y

McPherson Y

Miller Y

Mitchell Y

Morrison Y

Nuñez Y

Paschall Y

Pfiffner Y

Plant Y

Ragsdale Y

Saliman Y

Sinclair Y

Smith Y

Spence Y

Spradley Y

Stengel Y

Sullivant Y

Swenson Y

Takis Y

Tapia Y

Tate Y

Taylor Y

Tochtrop Y

Tool Y

Tupa Y

Veiga Y

Vigil Y

Webster Y

Williams, S. Y

Williams, T. Y

Windels Y

Witwer Y

Young Y

Zimmerman Y

Mr. Speaker Y

Third Reading amendment No. 3, by Representative Pfiffner.

Amend printed bill, page 3, strike lines 6 through 14 and substitute the following:

"(b)  A governing body shall hold annexation proceedings in abeyance if, on or after the date a petition for annexation pursuant to section 31-12-107 (1) or a petition for an election on the question of annexation pursuant to section 31-12-107 (2) is filed, a petition for incorporation of the same area or any part thereof is filed pursuant to part 1 of article 2 of this title and such area contains more than seventy-five thousand inhabitants.".

The amendment was declared passed by the following roll call vote:


Alexander Y

Allen Y

Ament Y

Bacon Y

Berry Y

Chavez Y

Clapp Y

Clarke Y

Coleman Y

Dean Y

Decker E

Fairbank Y

Gagliardi Y

Gordon Y

Gotlieb Y

Grossman Y

Hagedorn Y

Hefley Y

Johnson Y

Kaufman Y

Keller Y

Kester Y

King Y

Larson Y

Lawrence Y

Lee Y

Leyba Y

Mace Y

May Y

McElhany Y

McKay Y

McPherson Y

Miller Y

Mitchell Y

Morrison Y

Nuñez Y

Paschall Y

Pfiffner Y

Plant Y

Ragsdale Y

Saliman Y

Sinclair Y

Smith Y

Spence Y

Spradley Y

Stengel Y

Sullivant Y

Swenson Y

Takis Y

Tapia Y

Tate Y

Taylor Y

Tochtrop Y

Tool Y

Tupa Y

Veiga Y

Vigil Y

Webster Y

Williams, S. Y

Williams, T. Y

Windels Y

Witwer Y

Young Y

Zimmerman Y

Mr. Speaker Y


Alexander Y

Allen Y

Ament Y

Bacon Y

Berry Y

Chavez Y

Clapp Y

Clarke Y

Coleman Y

Dean Y

Decker E

Fairbank Y

Gagliardi Y

Gordon Y

Gotlieb Y

Grossman Y

Hagedorn Y

Hefley Y

Johnson Y

Kaufman Y

Keller Y

Kester Y

King Y

Larson Y

Lawrence Y

Lee Y

Leyba Y

Mace Y

May Y

McElhany Y

McKay Y

McPherson Y

Miller Y

Mitchell Y

Morrison Y

Nuñez Y

Paschall Y

Pfiffner Y

Plant Y

Ragsdale Y

Saliman Y

Sinclair Y

Smith Y

Spence Y

Spradley Y

Stengel Y

Sullivant Y

Swenson Y

Takis Y

Tapia Y

Tate Y

Taylor Y

Tochtrop Y

Tool Y

Tupa Y

Veiga Y

Vigil Y

Webster Y

Williams, S. Y

Williams, T. Y

Windels Y

Witwer Y

Young Y

Zimmerman Y

Mr. Speaker Y

Third Reading amendment No. 4, by Representative Swenson.

Amend printed bill, page 3, line 13, strike "seventy-five" and substitute "forty";

line 19, strike "seventy-five" and substitute "forty";

line 23, strike "seventy-five" and substitute "forty".

Page 4, line 26, strike "seventy-five" and substitute "forty".

The amendment was declared lost by the following roll call vote:


Alexander N

Allen N

Ament N

Bacon N

Berry N

Chavez N

Clapp N

Clarke N

Coleman N

Dean N

Decker E

Fairbank N

Gagliardi N

Gordon N

Gotlieb N

Grossman Y

Hagedorn N

Hefley N

Johnson Y

Kaufman N

Keller Y

Kester Y

King N

Larson N

Lawrence N

Lee N

Leyba Y

Mace Y

May N

McElhany N

McKay N

McPherson N

Miller N

Mitchell Y

Morrison N

Nuñez Y

Paschall Y

Pfiffner Y

Plant N

Ragsdale Y

Saliman N

Sinclair Y

Smith Y

Spence N

Spradley N

Stengel N

Sullivant N

Swenson Y

Takis Y

Tapia N

Tate Y

Taylor Y

Tochtrop N

Tool Y

Tupa N

Veiga N

Vigil Y

Webster N

Williams, S. N

Williams, T. N

Windels N

Witwer N

Young N

Zimmerman N

Mr. Speaker N

The question being, "Shall the bill, as amended, pass?".

A roll call vote was taken. As shown by the following recorded vote, a majority of those elected to the House voted in the affirmative, and the bill, as amended, was declared passed.


Alexander Y

Allen Y

Ament Y

Bacon Y

Berry Y

Chavez Y

Clapp Y

Clarke Y

Coleman Y

Dean Y

Decker E

Fairbank Y

Gagliardi Y

Gordon Y

Gotlieb Y

Grossman Y

Hagedorn Y

Hefley Y

Johnson Y

Kaufman Y

Keller Y

Kester Y

King Y

Larson Y

Lawrence Y

Lee Y

Leyba Y

Mace Y

May Y

McElhany Y

McKay Y

McPherson Y

Miller Y

Mitchell Y

Morrison Y

Nuñez Y

Paschall Y

Pfiffner Y

Plant Y

Ragsdale Y

Saliman Y

Sinclair Y

Smith Y

Spence Y

Spradley Y

Stengel Y

Sullivant Y

Swenson Y

Takis Y

Tapia Y

Tate Y

Taylor Y

Tochtrop Y

Tool Y

Tupa Y

Veiga Y

Vigil Y

Webster Y

Williams, S. Y

Williams, T. Y

Windels Y

Witwer Y

Young Y

Zimmerman Y

Mr. Speaker Y

Co-sponsors added: Representatives Allen, Coleman, Fairbank, Grossman, Kaufman, Lawrence, Lee, McKay, McPherson, Nuñez, Plant, Ragsdale, Stengel, Tochtrop, Vigil, Webster, S.Williams.



SJR99-007 by Senator Lacy; also Representative Tool--Concerning budget review by committees of reference.

On motion of Representative Tool, the resolution was adopted by viva voce vote.

Co-sponsors added: Representatives Alexander, Allen, Bacon, Berry, Chavez, Clapp, Clarke, Coleman, Dean, Fairbank, Gagliardi, Gordon, Gotlieb, Hefley, Kaufman, Keller, Kester, King, Larson, Lawrence, Lee, Mace, May, McElhany, McKay, McPherson, Miller, Morrison, Nuñez, Paschall, Pfiffner, Plant, Ragsdale, Saliman, Smith, Spence, Stengel, Sullivant, Swenson, Takis, Tapia, Tate, Taylor, Tochtrop, Tupa, Veiga, Vigil, Webster, S.Williams, T.Williams, Windels, Witwer, Young, Zimmerman, Mr. Speaker.


House in recess. House reconvened.




After consideration on the merits, the Committee recommends the following:

HB99-1021 be postponed indefinitely.

HB99-1072 be amended as follows, and as so amended, be referred to the Committee of the Whole with favorable recommendation:

Amend printed bill, page 2, line 15, strike "includes:"and substitute "means:";

line 17, strike "skills, abilities, and traits" and substitute "skills and abilities".

Page 3, after line 17, insert the following:

"(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed to abrogate or contradict the provisions of part 4 of article 34 of title 24, C.R.S.".


After consideration on the merits, the Committee recommends the following:

HB99-1029 be referred to the Committee on Finance with favorable recommendation.



Mr. Speaker:

The Senate has adopted and transmits herewith: SJR99-008.



First Reading

The following bills were read by title and referred to the committees indicated:

HB99-1201 by Representatives King, Lee; also Senator Epps--Concerning the authority of the Colorado insurance guaranty association.

Committee on Business Affairs & Labor

HB99-1202 by Representatives Alexander, Taylor, Young; also Senator Teck--Concerning the effectiveness of apple marketing orders, and, in connection therewith, enhancing the accountability of the board of control.

Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources

HB99-1203 by Representatives Hefley, Fairbank, Kaufman, Lawrence, McPherson, Mitchell, Paschall, Witwer; also Senator Epps--Concerning testing for controlled substances of participants in the Colorado works program.

Committee on Health, Environment, Welfare, & Institutions

HB99-1204 by Representatives Paschall, Allen, George, Lee, McKay, McPherson, Morrison, Tool; also Senators Anderson, Congrove--Concerning issuance of civil restraining orders.

Committee on Judiciary

HB99-1205 by Representative Gordon--Concerning the creation of an income tax credit to refund excess state revenues to taxpayers who donate funds to qualified nonprofit organizations that purchase open space.

Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, & Natural Resources

HB99-1206 by Representative May; also Senator Powers--Concerning the continuation of the allocation of the state sales and use tax to the highway users tax fund.

Committee on Transportation & Energy

HB99-1207 by Representatives McPherson, George, Hefley, Johnson, Kester, Larson, Lawrence, Lee, Mitchell, Nunez, Paschall, Pfiffner, Sinclair, Smith, Spence, Stengel, Taylor, Webster, Williams T., Young; also Senator Lamborn--Concerning the reduction of the state income tax rate.

Committee on Finance

HB99-1208 by Representative Gordon--Concerning measures to support the multistate tobacco settlement.

Committee on Health, Environment, Welfare, & Institutions



The following resolution was read by title and laid over one day under the rules:

SJR99-008 by Senators Blickensderfer, Powers, Feeley; also Representatives Dean, George, Gordon--Concerning employee grades and steps for the first regular session of the sixty-second general assembly.


On motion of Representative Young, the House adjourned until 9:00 a.m., January 14, 1999.




Chief Clerk