HOUSE BILL 99-1043


BY REPRESENTATIVES Tool, Bacon, Johnson, Kaufman, Leyba, and Tapia;

also SENATORS Wattenberg, Arnold, Blickensderfer, Chlouber, Dyer, Matsunaka, Reeves, and Wham.



Concerning payment of fees to the Colorado state university professional veterinary medicine program.



Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado:


SECTION 1.  23-31-135 (1) and (2), Colorado Revised Statutes, are amended to read:

23-31-135.  Advancement of moneys and pledge of income. (1)  The state board of agriculture, designated in this section as the "board", is authorized to enter into contracts for the advancement of moneys for the construction and acquisition of facilities or equipment, or both, for the Colorado state university veterinary medicine hospital, or any part thereof, and, in connection with or as a part of such contracts, to pledge revenues from a special hospital fee which that the board shall collect pursuant to agreements entered into with or with respect to each accountable student as security for the repayment of the moneys advanced therefor, together with interest thereon. The maximum number of accountable students at any given time shall not exceed three hundred eight; except that, should the total enrollment in the professional veterinary medicine program exceed five hundred forty-eight head-count students, additional accountable students may not exceed forty-five percent of each admitted class. For purposes of this section, an "accountable student" is a person who, was not domiciled in Colorado on as of the date of his or her application selection for admission into the professional veterinary medicine program, is not receiving funding, either from the state of Colorado or from a state that has entered into a cooperative agreement with the state of Colorado pursuant to section 24-60-601, C.R.S., for all or any portion of the costs incurred in participating in the professional veterinary medicine program. An agreement shall be entered into with or with respect to each accountable student, and each such agreement shall provide that, as a condition to that student's continued enrollment in the professional veterinary medicine program, there shall be paid annually by or on behalf of the student the special hospital fee provided for in this section, which fee shall be fixed by the board annually in an amount sufficient to meet the obligation authorized by this section.

(2)  Beginning July 1, 1990, and ending June 30, 1995, The board shall annually assess each cooperative state or accountable student a support fee of eighteen thousand four hundred dollars per year to reimburse Colorado for instructional costs. This support fee includes an equipment and renovation fee of one thousand one dollars assessed to each cooperative state or accountable student for acquisition or replacement of equipment and for renovation. Said equipment and renovation fee shall be credited to a separate reserve account for appropriation by the general assembly for such acquisition or replacement of equipment and such renovation. Colorado shall share proportionately on in the acquisition or replacement of equipment and renovation projects. The amount to be paid by Colorado shall be determined by the annual ratio of Colorado students to accountable students based upon beginning enrollment of each school year. The fee required to be collected pursuant to this subsection (2) is based on a student's status as an "accountable student" at the time of selection for admission into the professional veterinary medicine program and shall not be reduced or waived as the result of a change of status to regardless of the student's status as an in-state student, pursuant to the provisions of section 23-7-103, at any time during the student's participation in the professional veterinary medicine program.

SECTION 2.  Effective date - applicability. This act shall take effect July 1, 1999, and shall apply to individuals enrolled in the professional veterinary medicine program on or after said date.

SECTION 3.  Safety clause. The general assembly hereby finds, determines, and declares that this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety.




____________________________ ____________________________

Russell George Ray Powers








____________________________ ____________________________

Judith M. Rodrigue Patricia K. Dicks












Bill Owens