Colorado Legislative Council Staff



Drafting Number:

Prime Sponsor(s):

LLS 99-0250

Sen. Teck

Rep. Alexander


Bill Status:

Fiscal Analyst:

January 4, 1999

Senate Business Affairs

Steve Tammeus (866-2756)



Fiscal Impact Summary

FY 1999/2000

FY 2000/2001

State Revenues

General Fund



State Expenditures

General Fund



FTE Position Change

0.0 FTE

0.0 FTE

Other State Impact: TABOR.

Effective Date: Upon signature of the Governor.

Appropriation Summary for FY 1999-2000: None.

Local Government Impact: Local government law enforcement agencies will be required to enforce the provisions of this bill. The impact to local government agencies will be minimal.

Summary of Legislation

            The bill allows any limited winery licensee to file a wine festival permit application with the Division of Liquor Enforcement under the Department of Revenue. The applicant is to specify the premises for the festival and the names of other limited winery licensees participating in the festival. The applicant is to file a $25 processing fee with the application at least 30 days before the festival. Any wine festival permit issued is to be considered jointly held by the permittee and the participating licensees. The permittee and participants are authorized to use the licensed premises for wine tastings and selling vinous liquors of their own manufacture.

            Any violator of the provisions of a wine festival permit may be charged and an appropriate penalty shall be applied. If the responsible party cannot be identified, the bill prescribes a manner for the Division of Liquor Enforcement to fine the festival participants, up to a maximum of $100 per participant.

State Revenues

            Fee revenue. This bill will create new General Fund revenue of $625 for FY 1999-2000 and FY 2000-01, based upon the following assumptions:

               that the Division of Liquor Enforcement is aware of approximately 50 wine tasting room permits (no fee) that are issued annually;

               that 25 of the 50 tasting room permits would annually apply for the wine festival permit; and

               that a fee of $25 would be collected with each of the 25 applications.

Table 1 - Department of Revenue

Division of Liquor Enforcement

Annual General Fund Fee Revenue

Type of Fee

Current Fee

Proposed Fee

Fee Change

# of Affected Business

Total Fee Impact

Wine Festival Fee






            Fine revenue. The bill authorizes the Division of Liquor Enforcement to assess an appropriate penalty against any violator of the provisions of this bill. The bill does not specify the type of penalty, or the amount if the penalty is to be monetary. If the responsible party cannot be identified, the bill prescribes a manner for the division to fine the festival participants, up to a maximum of $100 per participant. This fiscal note cannot assess the amount of General Fund fine revenue, if any, to be generated by this bill.

Local Government Impact

            Local government law enforcement agencies will be required to enforce the provisions of this bill. This fiscal note assumes the impact to local government agencies will be minimal.

State Appropriations

            This bill will require no new state appropriations for FY 1999-2000.

Departments Contacted


            Local Affairs              Revenue          Judicial