Colorado Legislative Council Staff


Drafting Number:

Prime Sponsor(s):

LLS 99-0039

Sen. Wham

Rep. George


Bill Status:

Fiscal Analyst:

January 12, 1999

Senate SVMA

Janis Baron (303-866-3523)



Summary of Assessment

            This bill makes the capital construction allocation for art for juvenile facilities consistent with the capital construction allocation for art for adult correctional facilities. The bill requires that each capital construction appropriation for a juvenile facility include an allocation of not less than 0.1 of 1 percent of the capital construction costs for a Juvenile Art Fund. The moneys in the fund are to be used for materials to allow juveniles housed by the Department of Human Services to create works of art to be included in the construction of or permanently placed in such facility. The bill is effective upon signature of the Governor.

            Current law requires that at least 1 percent of each capital construction project appropriation be allocated for acquisition of works of art to be publicly placed. The statutory exception to this requirement pertains to adult correctional facilities. Capital construction appropriations for adult correctional facilities require an allocation of 0.1 percent for art for a Prison Inmate Art Fund. Moneys in the fund are used to purchase materials for inmates to create works of art to be included in the construction of or permanently placed in such facility.

            The bill is assessed as having no fiscal impact. It establishes the allocation amount for art for juvenile facilities; it does not address specific juvenile facilities projects. Additionally, the bill conforms with current practice. The Ridge View Youth Services Center (500-bed academic model), authorized in HB 97-1318, received an allocation for art of 0.1 percent of the capital construction cost in HB 98-1401, the Long Appropriations Act.

Departments Contacted

            Human Services