Colorado Legislative Council Staff



Drafting Number:

Prime Sponsor(s):

LLS 99-0705

Rep. May

Sen. Teck


Bill Status:

Fiscal Analyst:

March 11, 1999

House Business Affairs

Scott Nachtrieb (303-866-4752)



Fiscal Impact Summary

FY 1999/2000

FY 2000/2001

State Revenues

General Fund



State Expenditures

General Fund



FTE Position Change

1.1 FTE

1.1 FTE

Other State Impact: None

Effective Date: Upon the Governor’s signature

Appropriation Summary for FY 1999-2000:

$54,709 GF and 1.1 FTE to the Legislative Department

Local Government Impact: None

Summary of Legislation

            The bill would establish the six-member Communications and Information Technology Committee (CITC) as a statutory legislative committee that would meet at least three times annually. The committee would review the Commission on Information Management, the coordination of state government telecommunications, the General Government Computer Center, the Division of State Archives and Public Records, the Central Indexing System, and the executive officer’s administrative duties over these entities. The committee would make recommendations for legislation and appropriations governing these entities. Staff support would be supplied by the Legislative Council Staff.

State Expenditures

            For purposes of this fiscal note, it is assumed that the CITC would meet at least twelve times annually. This would require $10,728 General Fund (GF) in member expenses (6 members X 12 meetings X ($99 per diem + $50 expenses)). Staff would be supplied by the Legislative Council Staff and the Office of Legislative Legal Services. It is assumed that the CITC would have duties and responsibilities that would be greater than an interim committee and function similar to the Capital Development Committee. Personal services are estimated to be $38,701 GF and 1.1 FTE, operating expenses are estimated to be $550, and capital outlay costs are estimated to be $4,730. The total committee cost is estimated to be $54,709 GF in FY 1999-00 and $49,978 GF in FY 2000-01.


Expenditures Not Included

            Pursuant to the Joint Budget Committee’s budget policies, the following expenditures have not been included in this fiscal note:


               health and life insurance costs; $2,459

               short-term disability costs; $72

               inflationary cost factors;

               leased space; and

               indirect costs.

State Appropriations

            This fiscal note implies that the Legislative Department would require a General Fund appropriation of $54,709 and 1.1 FTE for FY 1999-00 to implement the provisions of this bill.

Departments Contacted


Legislative Legal Services     Legislative Council Staff