Colorado Legislative Council Staff



Drafting Number:

Prime Sponsor(s):

LLS 99-0130

Rep. McElhany


Bill Status:

Fiscal Analyst:

November 24, 1998

House Transportation

Scott Nachtrieb (303-866-4752)



Fiscal Impact Summary

FY 1999/2000

FY 2000/2001

State Revenues

Cash Fund



State Expenditures



FTE Position Change

0.0 FTE

0.0 FTE

Other State Impact: TABOR

Effective Date: The bill would become effective July 1, 1999.

Appropriation Summary for FY 1999-2000:No additional appropriation would be required.

Local Government Impact: Increased fine revenue from a new class 2 petty offense.

Summary of Legislation

             The bill would allow a peace officer to require a vehicle that may be overweight to be driven to the nearest certified scales within 5 miles. Certified weighers would be required to weigh any vehicle when requested by a peace officer. A certified scale operator that refused to weigh a vehicle would commit a class 2 petty offense.

State Revenues

             The Highway Users Tax Fund would receive fine revenue collected from the $200 fine associated with the class 2 petty offense written by the Colorado State Patrol or any that are filed in county court. The court has the discretion of imposing the amount of the fine up to $200. The amount of revenue generated from this provision is estimated to be minimal. For purposes of this fiscal note, it is assumed that 50 persons would be cited under this new class 2 petty offense by the Colorado State Patrol and the state would collect approximately $10,000 in fine revenue.

Local Government Impact

             Local law enforcement officials could file a similar offense in municipal court under a municipal ordinance. Any revenue generated from this fine would be municipal revenue. The amount of revenue generated from this provision is estimated to be minimal.

State Appropriation

             No additional spending authority would be required.

Departments Contacted

             Revenue            Regulatory Agencies     Transportation