Colorado Legislative Council Staff


Drafting Number:

Prime Sponsor(s):

LLS 98-186

Sen. Tanner

Rep. Tate


Bill Status:

Fiscal Analyst:

January 14, 1998

Senate Education

Janis Baron (866-3523)



Summary of Assessment

            The bill requires the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education (SBCCOE) to develop a tuition voucher system pursuant to which participants in the Colorado Works Program may attend courses in the state’s system of community and technical colleges. Additionally, DHS and SBCCOE are required to enter into a cooperative arrangement to make available appropriate educational and academic training programs for Colorado Works Program participants. County departments of social services may provide vouchers to participants in the Colorado Works Program for the purpose of securing short-term educational and academic skills training and job placement services. The bill is effective upon signature of the Governor.

            The fiscal note assumes that DHS and SBCCOE can develop a tuition voucher system within existing appropriations. Based on FY 1997-98 tuition rates, a cash voucher for tuition would cost $54.30 per credit hour. Counties may provide vouchers for education at community colleges, but are not required to do so. This fiscal note assumes that the cost of the vouchers will be paid by the counties from their respective block grants. Under current practice, payments are made directly to the community college on behalf of the client and are counted as Colorado Works assistance to the client. DHS indicates that under Colorado Works, counties are placing emphasis on work; whereas under the form JOBS Program the emphasis was on education. Under JOBS, approximately 35 percent of the clients served were receiving education at community colleges. Under Colorado Works, approximately 20 percent are receiving education at community colleges (5,000 clients statewide). The bill does not require changes in funding for the county block grants. Therefore, the bill is assessed as having no fiscal impact. For FY 1997-98, the total amount appropriated in the Colorado Works Program County Block Grant is $170,747,840.


Colorado Works Program County Block Grant

     General Fund

     Cash Funds Exempt — Local Funds

     Federal Funds





$ 170,747,840


Departments Contacted

            Higher Education

            Human Services