Colorado Legislative Council Staff


Drafting Number:

Prime Sponsor(s):

LLS 98-201

Sen. Wells


Bill Status:

Fiscal Analyst:

January 10, 1998

Senate Education

Harry Zeid (866-4753)



Summary of Assessment

            This bill would make several modifications to state statutes concerning expulsion prevention programs. The bill clarifies that school districts are required to provide educational services for expelled students upon the request of the student or the student’s parent or guardian. These educational services may include tutoring services; alternative educational programs; or vocational education programs. In addition, a student who is at risk for suspension or expulsion, or a student who has been suspended or expelled (or the student’s parent or guardian) may request these services through an agreement with the school district. Credits that apply toward graduation upon the expelled student’s return would be granted for the educational services that are provided to enable the student to return to school. The bill clarifies that the educational services provided need not occur on school property. These clarifications of current law will not affect expenditures at the state or school district level. Therefore, they are assessed as having no fiscal impact.

            The bill would also expand the definition of “pupil enrollment” within the Public School Finance Act to include students that have been expelled prior to the October 1 pupil count within the applicable budget year who are receiving educational services from the district. The number of students that are expelled annually by school districts prior to October 1 is not known, but the number is believed to be minimal compared to the number of students that are annually expelled after October 1. For purposes of comparison, a total of 1,959 pupils were expelled during the 1997-98 academic year.

            Under current law, declaration as an habitually disruptive student results in mandatory expulsion. The bill would delete the requirement that the expulsion be mandatory for habitually disruptive students. The grounds for suspension or expulsion for a child declared to be an habitually disruptive student would remain as an option for the school district.


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