Colorado Legislative Council Staff


Drafting Number:

Prime Sponsor(s):

LLS 98-023

Rep. Allen

Sen. B. Alexander


Bill Status:

Fiscal Analyst:

January 3, 1998

House Education

Harry Zeid (866-4753)



Summary of Assessment

            This bill would abolish the seven member Private Occupational School Policy Advisory Committee, effective June 30, 1998, and would terminate the terms of the members of the advisory committee. In its place, the bill would establish the seven member Private Occupational School Board in the Private Occupational School Division to advise the director of the division regarding its administration.

            The new board would consist of seven members appointed by the Governor, with the consent of the Senate. Board members would serve four-year terms, and would hold regular meetings at least four times per year. Board members would be paid a per diem of $35 for each day the board meets, and would be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the conduct of official business. The Private Occupational School Division would provide any necessary staff assistance for the board. The existing duties of the Private Occupational School Policy Advisory Committee would be transferred to the Private Occupational School Board.

            Since the bill replaces the policy advisory committee with a more formal new board with the same number of members, it is assumed that the costs of the new board will approximate the current level of expenses incurred by the present policy advisory committee. The bill contains a No Appropriations Clause. The bill would not affect the revenues or expenditures of the state or of units of local government. Therefore, the bill is assessed as having no fiscal impact. The bill would become effective upon signature of the Governor.

Departments Contacted

            Colorado Commission on Higher Education