HJR97-1002 By Representatives Anderson, C.Berry and Snyder; also Senators Wells, Norton, and Feeley--Regarding employee grades and steps for the First Regular Session of the Sixty-first General Assembly.

Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Sixty-first General Assembly of the State of Colorado, the Senate concurring herein:

That pursuant to the provision of section 2­2­305, Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, the following positions are hereby created for the First Regular Session of the Sixty-first General Assembly, the monthly compensation to be paid to the persons elected or appointed to each position to be the amount set opposite the position:

1Chief ClerkDirector Step 4
1 Assistant Chief Clerk/Docket Clerk Grade 105 Step 3
1Accounting TechnicianGrade 82Step 7a
1 Amendment ClerkGrade 78Step 2a
1Reading ClerkGrade 78Step 1a
1HistorianGrade 78Step 1
1Journal Clerk Grade 78Step 5a
1Front Desk Clerk Grade 78Step 1
1Chief Sergeant­at­Arms Grade 78Step 1a
4Asst. Sergeants­at­Arms Grade 60Step 1
1Chief Enrolling ClerkGrade 78Step 1a
2Assistant Enrolling ClerksGrade 66 Step 1a
1Supervisor of Bill/Information Room Grade 66 Step 3a
1Information Clerk Grade 60Step 5
1Bill Room Clerk Grade 60Step 2a
1Secretary to the SpeakerGrade 92Step 4a
1Secretary to Majority LeaderGrade 79Step 4a
1Secretary to Minority LeaderGrade 79Step 1
1Majority Caucus Secretary Grade 66Step 1a
1Minority Caucus Secretary Grade 66Step 1a
1Chief Legislative Secretary Grade 79Step 1
1Legislative Secretary Grade 66Step 7a
1Legislative Secretary Grade 66 Step 3a
1Legislative Secretary Grade 66 Step 3
1Legislative Secretary Grade 66Step 2a
2Legislative Secretaries Grade 66Step 1
2Telephone Receptionists Grade 60Step 1
1Chief Assignable Clerk Grade 66Step 7a
1Assignable Clerk Grade 60Step 7a
1Assignable Clerk Grade 60Step 2a
4Assignable Clerks Grade 60Step 1
1Visitors' Aide Grade 60Step 3
1Visitors' Aide Grade 60Step 1
1Majority House CommunicationsGrade 83Step 6a
1 Majority House Communications Grade 78Step 1
1Minority House Communications Grade 83Step 1
1Minority House Communications (PTE) Grade 83Step 3a
1Chaplain$25.00 per day

1 Secretary of the Senate Director Step V
1 Assistant Secretary of the Senate/Journal Clerk Grade 105 Step 4
1 Calendar Clerk Grade 78 Step 5a
1 Front Desk Clerk Grade 78 Step 2
1 Reading Clerk Grade 66 Step 1
1 Amendment Clerk Grade 78 Step 1
1 Finance Clerk Grade 82 Step 5a
1 Chief Sergeant-at-Arms Grade 78 Step 5a
1 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Grade 60 Step 7
1 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Grade 60 Step 6
1 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Grade 60 Step 2
2 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Grade 60 Step 1
1 Chief Enrolling Clerk Grade 78 Step 4
1 Assistant Enrolling Clerk Grade 78 Step 2a
1 Assistant Enrolling Clerk Grade 66 Step 1
1 Information Clerk Grade 60 Step 1
1 Bill Clerk Grade 60 Step 1
1 Secretary to the President Grade 92 Step 6
1 Secretary to the Majority Leader Grade 85 Step 7a
1 Secretary to the Minority Leader Grade 79 Step 1a
1 Majority Media Relations Grade 83 Step 2
1 Majority Media Relations Grade 81 Step 1
1 Minority Administrative Assistant Grade 83 Step 5
1 Minority Media Relations Grade 83 Step 2a
1 Chief Legislative Secretary Grade 79 Step 7a
1 Chief Legislative Secretary Grade 79 Step 2
5 Legislative Secretaries Grade 66 Step 1
1 Telephone Receptionist, Minority Grade 65 Step 1
1 Telephone Receptionist, Majority Grade 65 Step 5
1 Receptionist President's Office Grade 65 Step 1
1 Assignable Clerk Grade 60 Step 5a
4 Assignable Clerks Grade 60 Step 1
2 Visitor's Aides Grade 60 Step 1

On motion of Representative Anderson, the rules were suspended and the resolution given immediate consideration and adopted by viva voce vote.