Ballot History
Year: 2001

Ballot Number: 26

Short Title: Surplus Revenue to Test I-70 Fixed Guideway

Ballot Title: An amendment to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning the funding of a testing and planning program for a high-speed fixed guideway transportation system, and, in connection therewith, requiring $50 million of excess state revenues collected during the 2000-2001 state fiscal year to be credited to a newly created fixed guideway technology development fund; authorizing the Colorado intermountain fixed guideway authority to expend moneys from the fund until December 31, 2004, to design and test a high-speed fixed guideway transportation system, including but not limited to a monorail system, to ensure review and approval of the system under federal safety standards, and to conduct planning studies, including studies of the design, finance, construction, and operation of a fixed guideway system connecting Denver international airport and Eagle county airport; requiring any moneys in the fund not expended by the authority to be refunded to the state on January 1, 2005; exempting the authority from constitutional revenue and spending limitations; authorizing the authority to expend any state funds that it may receive; and delaying the termination of the authority from January 1, 2004 until January 1, 2005.

Election Results:

Votes For: 283,184 (34.1%)
Votes Against: 547,213 (65.9%)

Type of Change: Statutory

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Transportation