Ballot History
Year: 1998

Ballot Number: 18

Short Title: Voluntary Congressional Term Limits

Ballot Title: An amendment to the Colorado Constitution concerning term limits declarations that may be voluntarily submitted by candidates for the U.S. Congress, and, in connection therewith, specifying when such declarations must be submitted to the secretary of state; providing that a candidate shall not be refused placement on the ballot if the candidate does not submit a declaration; providing that candidates may voluntarily declare that the candidate will not serve more than three terms as a U.S. Representative or more than two terms as a U.S. Senator or may voluntarily declare that the candidate has chosen not to accept term limits; allowing candidates who have made such a declaration to voluntarily authorize placement of an applicable ballot designation next to the candidate's name on congressional election ballots and government-sponsored voter education material; specifying how terms are calculated; allowing candidates to change a declaration; requiring that ballots and voter education material contain the applicable ballot designation following the name of a candidate; specifying that service in office for more than one-half of a term is deemed service for a full term; prohibiting a candidate from having more than one declaration and ballot designation in effect at the same time; specifying that a candidate may authorize the applicable ballot designation only if the candidate has made the voluntary declaration; and authorizing the secretary of state to provide declarations and implement this amendment by rule.

Election Results:

Votes For: 613,557 (50.4%)
Votes Against: 603,651 (49.6%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Elections