Ballot History
Year: 1984

Ballot Number: 2

Short Title: Qualified Electors

Ballot Title: An amendment to Articles IV, XIV, XX, and XXI of the Constitution of the State of Colorado, providing that a person must be a registered elector in order to vote for state elected executive officers, to vote for removal of a county seat, to vote on the striking off of county territory, to sign a petition for or to vote on county home rule, to vote on the formation, merger, election of members of governing bodies, and the functions of service authorities, to vote on a franchise relating to any street, alley or public place of a home rule city, to sign a petition for or to vote on municipal home rule, to sign a petition for or to vote on recall of state and local elective public officers, and applying to registered electors the percentage for determining the number of signatures on home rule petitions.

Election Results:

Votes For: 811,130 (72.7%)
Votes Against: 304,208 (27.3%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Referendum

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:
