Ballot History
Year: 1992

Ballot Number: 04

Short Title: Limited Gaming - Selected Eastern and Southern Cities and Counties

Ballot Title: Shall there be an amendment to Article XVIII of the Colorado Constitution to permit limited gaming, subject to an affirmative local vote, in the cities and towns of Burlington, Evans, Lamar, Las Animas, Sterling, Antonito, Garden City, Granada, Holly, Julesburg, Milliken, Ovid, Peetz, and Sedgwick and in the counties of Logan, Prowers, and Sedgwick; to add to the types of games which may be conducted where limited gaming is permitted; to allow the General Assembly to increase the maximum single bet above the present five-dollar limit; to allocate tax revenues derived from limited gaming activities; and to change the tax revenue allocation from the general fund to the public school fund if the General Assembly continues school funding at no less than the level established at the 1992 legislative session?

Election Results:

Votes For: 414,699 (27.6%)
Votes Against: 1,087,136 (72.4%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Gaming