Ballot History
Year: 1996

Ballot Number: 16

Short Title: State Trust Lands

Ballot Title: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Constitution concerning the management of state assets related to the public lands of the state held in trust, and, in connection therewith, providing that the board shall serve as the trustee for the lands granted to or held by the state in public trust; adding to the board's duties the prudent management and exchange of lands held by the board; requiring the board to manage lands held by the board in order to produce reasonable and consistent income over time, and to recognize that economic productivity and sound stewardship of such lands includes protecting and enhancing the beauty, natural values, open space, and wildlife habitat thereof; providing for the establishment of a long-term stewardship trust of up to 300,000 acres of land; requiring the board to take other actions to protect the long-term productivity and sound stewardship of the lands held by the board, including incentives in agricultural leases which promote sound stewardship and sales or leases of conservation easements; authorizing the board to undertake non-simultaneous exchanges of land; authorizing the general assembly to adopt laws whereby the assets of the school fund may be used to assist public schools to provide necessary buildings, land, and equipment; providing opportunities for school districts in which lands held by the board are located to lease, purchase, or otherwise use such lands for school building sites; requiring the board, prior to a land transaction for development purposes, to determine that the income from the transaction will exceed the fiscal impact of the development on local school districts; allowing access by public schools for outdoor education purposes without charge; expanding the state board of land commissioners to five members and requiring a diversity of experience and occupation on the board; reducing the terms of office of the members of the board to four years; directing the board to hire a director and a staff; and providing for personal immunity of the individual board members from liability in certain situations?

Election Results:

Votes For: 708,502 (51.9%)
Votes Against: 656,095 (48.1%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Natural Resources