Ballot History
Year: 1993

Ballot Number: A

Short Title: Reinstatement of Sales Tax on Tourist-Related Purchases

Ballot Title: Shall state taxes be increased by $13,100,000 annually in the first full fiscal year of implementation, and by $13,100,000 as adjusted for inflation plus the percentage change in state population for each fiscal year after the first full fiscal year of implementation, by reinstating the 0.2 percent sales tax on tourist-related items, including lodging services, restaurant food and drinks, ski lift admission, private tourist attraction admission, passenger automobile rental, and tour bus and sightseeing tickets for the purpose of funding statewide tourism marketing and promotional programs under the Colorado Tourism Board in order to assist future tourism growth and promote Colorado's continuing economic health?

Election Results:

Votes For: 274,989 (44.8%)
Votes Against: 338,546 (55.2%)

Type of Change: Statutory

Initiative/Referendum: Referendum

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Taxation