Ballot History
Year: 1944

Ballot Number: 2

Short Title: Appropriating $500,000 for the current biennium and $1.5 million annually thereafter, or as much as necessary, for old age pensions, in order to pay the full award of the county departments of public welfare to each recipient of such pensio

Ballot Title: Appropriating $500,000 for the current biennium and $1.5 million annually thereafter, or as much as necessary, for old age pensions, in order to pay the full award of the county departments of public welfare to each recipient of such pensio

Election Results:

Votes For: 243,863 (63.5%)
Votes Against: 140,187 (36.5%)

Type of Change: Statutory

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:
