Ballot History
Year: 1996

Ballot Number: 14

Short Title: Prohibited Methods of Taking Wildlife

Ballot Title: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Constitution concerning prohibited methods of taking wildlife, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting the use of leghold traps, instant-kill body-gripping design traps, poisons, or snares; providing an exception for the use of such methods by certain governmental entities for the purpose of protecting human health or safety or managing fish or other non-mammalian wildlife; providing an exception for the use of such methods to control birds or to control rodents other than beaver and muskrat, as otherwise authorized by law; providing an exception for the use of such methods on private property, under certain conditions, to reduce damage to crops or livestock; providing an exception for the use of certain non-lethal snares, traps, or nets to take wildlife for purposes of scientific research, falconry, relocation, or medical treatment under rules of the Colorado Wildlife Commission; providing that the measure shall not apply to the taking of wildlife with firearms, fishing equipment, archery equipment, or other implements in hand as authorized by law; incorporating the current statutory definitions or the terms "taking" and "wildlife"; and requiring the general assembly to enact implementing legislation by May 1, l997?

Election Results:

Votes For: 752,413 (52.1%)
Votes Against: 691,733 (47.9%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Natural Resources