Ballot History
Year: 2013

Ballot Number: Proposition AA

Short Title: Retail Marijuana Taxes

Ballot Title: Shall state taxes be increased by $70,000,000 annually in the first full fiscal year and by such amounts as are raised annually thereafter by imposing an excise tax of 15% when unprocessed retail marijuana is first sold or transferred by a retail marijuana cultivation facility with the first $40,000,000 of tax revenues being used for public school capital construction as required by the state constitution, and by imposing an additional sales tax of 10% on the sale of retail marijuana and retail marijuana products with the tax revenues being used to fund the enforcement of regulations on the retail marijuana industry and other costs related to the implementation of the use and regulation of retail marijuana as approved by the voters, with the rate of either or both taxes being allowed to be decreased or increased without further voter approval so long as the rate of either tax does not exceed 15%, and with the resulting tax revenue being allowed to be collected and spent notwithstanding any limitations provided by law?

Election Results:

Votes For: 902,181 (65.3%)
Votes Against: 479,992 (34.7%)

Type of Change: Question

Initiative/Referendum: Referendum

Bill/Resolution #: HB13-1318
Election Results - SOS:
