Ballot History
Year: 1996

Ballot Number: 11

Short Title: Property Tax Exemptions

Ballot Title:
Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Constitution concerning property tax exemptions, and, in connection therewith, eliminating any property tax exemptions for real property used for religious purposes, real property used for-profit schools, real property used for charitable purposes other than for community corrections facilities, orphanages, or for housing low-income elderly, disabled, homeless, or abused persons, and real property used for nonprofit cemeteries; continuing the property tax exemptions for real property used for nonprofit schools, community corrections facilities, orphanages, and housing low-income elderly, disabled, homeless, or abused persons, unless otherwise provided by general law; continuing the property tax exemptions for personal property used for religious worship or strictly charitable purposes, unless otherwise provided by general law; and decreasing the property tax rate to prevent a net revenue gain to any taxing entity as a result of the elimination of exemptions, unless otherwise provided by general law?

Election Results:

Votes For: 242,543 (16.7%)
Votes Against: 1,211,637 (83.3%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Taxation