Ballot History
Year: 1984

Ballot Number: 5

Short Title: Casino Gaming in Pueblo

Ballot Title: Shall the Colorado Constitution be amended to provide for the conduct of casino gaming in Pueblo County as of July 1, 1985; to direct appointment of a commission to regulate and license casino gaming and the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction therewith, and to control an adjacent recreation area; to direct payment to the commission of license fees and up to ten percent of gross proceeds from casino gaming and to provide, after deduction of administrative and organizational costs from such payment for appropriation of the balance for public schools and the medically indigent program; and to require the general assembly to enact laws to implement the amendment?

Election Results:

Votes For: 406,989 (33.2%)
Votes Against: 819,533 (66.8%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Gaming