Ballot History
Year: 1998

Ballot Number: A

Short Title: Private/Public Ownership of Local Health Care Services

Ballot Title: An amendment to Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Colorado, authorizing a county, city, town, township, or special district to provide any lawfully authorized health care function, service, or facility in joint ownership or other arrangement with any person or company, public or private, without incurring debt and without pledging its credit or faith; requiring any county, city, town, township, or special district entering into such joint ownership or other arrangement to own its just proportion; and providing that any such entity or relationship established for such purpose shall not be deemed a political subdivision, local government, or local public body for any purpose.

Election Results:

Votes For: 505,903 (45.3%)
Votes Against: 610,449 (54.7%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Referendum

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:
