Ballot History
Year: 1996

Ballot Number: Amendment 12

Short Title: Term Limits

Ballot Title: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Constitution concerning congressional term limits, and, in connection therewith, specifying a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that limits U.S. Senators to two terms, former and incumbent U.S. Senators to one additional term, U.S. Representatives to three terms, and former and incumbent U.S. Representatives to two additional terms; instructing Colorado's state Senators and Representatives to vote to apply for an amendment-proposing convention; instructing Colorado's U.S. Senators and Representatives to pass said term limits amendment; requiring that all election ballots have "Disregarded Voter Instruction On Term Limits" next to the name of an incumbent U.S. Senator or Representative or incumbent state senator or representative when such senator or representative fails to take specific actions in support of said term limits amendment; providing that non-incumbent candidates for U.S. and state senator and representative be given an opportunity to take a pledge in support of said term limits amendment; requiring that primary and general election ballots have "Declined To Take Pledge To Support Term Limits" next to the name of a non-incumbent candidate who has not signed such pledge; authorizing the secretary of state to determine whether the terms of this amendment have been complied with and whether such designations should appear on the ballot; and allowing any legal challenge to this amendment to be filed with the supreme court of Colorado as an original action?

Election Results:

Votes For: 768,257 (54.0%)
Votes Against: 654,124 (46.0%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS: This amendment was overturned by the Colorado Supreme Court as violating Article V of the U.S. Constitution in Morrissey v. State, 951 P.2d 911 (1998)

Categories: Elections