Ballot History
Year: 1994

Ballot Number: 15

Short Title: Campaign and Political Finance

Ballot Title: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Constitution to limit the amount of campaign contributions, including in-kind contributions, that may be accepted by candidate committees, political committees, and political parties; to require candidate committees to receive at least sixty percent of their contributions from natural persons; to prohibit a candidate committee from making a contribution to or accepting a contribution from another candidate committee; to prohibit a political party from accepting contributions that are intended to be passed through to a candidate committee; to limit those persons who may contribute to a candidate committee to natural persons, political parties, and political committees; to treat unexpended campaign contributions held by a candidate committee as contributions from other than natural persons in a subsequent election; to require notice and disclosure of independent expenditures in an election; to require reporting to the secretary of state by candidate committees, political committees, and political parties of contributions, expenditures, and obligations; to create the campaign and political finance commission with jurisdiction over these provisions; to provide civil and criminal sanctions for violations of the proposed amendment; and to provide that a candidate found guilty of a criminal violation forfeits the right to hold any elected public office?

Election Results:

Votes For: 508,029 (46.3%)
Votes Against: 588,072 (53.7%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Elections