Ballot History
Year: 1998

Ballot Number: 14

Short Title: Regulation of Commercial Hog Facilities

Ballot Title: An amendment to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning regulation of housed commercial swine feeding operations which can house 800,000 or more pounds of swine or which are deemed commercial under local law, and, in connection therewith, conditioning operation, construction, or expansion of a housed commercial swine feeding operation on receipt of an individual discharge permit from the department of public health and environment; directing the water quality control commission to adopt rules regarding the construction, operation, and management of and waste disposal by such operations; providing that such rules shall require that land application of waste from such operations shall not exceed the nutritional requirements of the plants on that land and shall minimize runoff and seepage of such waste; providing that such rules shall require that such operations not be permitted to degrade the physical attributes or value of state trust lands, make immediate reports of spills or contamination to state and county health departments, and monitor land-applied waste from such operations and report thereon to the state health department; authorizing fees on such operations to offset direct and indirect costs of the program; authorizing local governments to impose more restrictive requirements; requiring that such operations employ technology to minimize odor emissions; requiring operations to cover waste impoundments that do not use air or oxygen in their waste treatment method, and to recover, incinerate, or manage odorous gases therefrom; establishing minimum distances between new land waste application sites or impoundments and occupied dwellings, schools, and municipal boundaries; and providing for enforcement of these provisions by the state or any person who may be adversely affected.

Election Results:

Votes For: 790,825 (64.2%)
Votes Against: 440,766 (35.8%)

Type of Change: Statutory

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Agriculture/Livestock