Ballot History
Year: 1982

Ballot Number: 6

Short Title: Cessation of Nuclear Weapons Component Production in Colorado

Ballot Title: Shall the Constitution of the State of Colorado be amended in order to bring about the cessation of nuclear weapons component production in Colorado by providing that a taxpayer may designate a portion of his income tax refund to be deposited in the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Conversion Fund, by appropriating moneys in the fund annually to the governor for his use in publicizing the hazards of plutonium processing and the opportunities for conversion to other activities and in promoting the cessation of plutonium processing, and by requiring the Governor to direct state executive agencies to assist in such action and to initiate an inventory of Rocky Flats facilities to determine which are unsafe for conversion?

Election Results:

Votes For: 325,985 (36.6%)
Votes Against: 564,606 (63.4%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:
