Ballot History
Year: 2015

Ballot Number: Proposition BB

Short Title: Retain Revenue in Excess of Blue Book Estimate

Ballot Title: May the state retain and spend state revenues that otherwise would be refunded for exceeding an estimate included in the ballot information booklet for proposition AA and use these revenues to provide forty million dollars for public school building construction and for other needs, such as law enforcement, youth programs, and marijuana education and prevention programs, instead of refunding these revenues to retail marijuana cultivation facilities, retail marijuana purchasers, and other taxpayers?

Election Results:

Votes For: 847,380 (69.4%)
Votes Against: 373,734 (30.6%)

Type of Change: Question

Initiative/Referendum: Referendum

Bill/Resolution #: HB15-1367
Election Results - SOS: 2015AbstractCertResults.pdf2015AbstractCertResults.pdf
