Ballot History
Year: 2003

Ballot Number: A

Short Title: Revenue Bonds for Water Projects

Ballot Title: Shall the state of Colorado debt be increased $2 billion, with a repayment cost of $4 billion, maximum total state cost, by an amendment to the Colorado Revised Statutes providing for drought relief by the financing of improvements to water infrastructure in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, authorizing the Colorado water conservation board to issue revenue bonds for the construction of private or public water infrastructure projects costing $5 million or more that have been approved by the governor; authorizing the water conservation board to recommend projects, including at least two projects from different river basins with a start date of 2005, and requiring the governor to approve at least one such project; setting aside $100 million of bond proceeds to finance projects, or portions of projects, that augment or improve existing facilities or conserve existing water supplies without creating new storage facilities; exempting the bond proceeds, the proceeds of sales by the board of water, power, or other assets from facilities financed by the bonds, and any earnings from all such proceeds, from the revenue and spending limits imposed by article X, section 20 of the state constitution and article 77 of title 24, Colorado Revised Statutes; and requiring the general assembly and executive branch agencies to adopt by July 1, 2004, any necessary statutes and rules, respectively, to ensure the marketability of the bonds authorized by this measure?

Election Results:

Votes For: 307,412 (32.9%)
Votes Against: 627,716 (67.1%)

Type of Change: Question

Initiative/Referendum: Referendum

Bill/Resolution #: SB 03-236
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Natural Resources