Ballot History
Year: 2016

Ballot Number: Proposition 108

Short Title: Unaffiliated Voter Participation in Primary Elections

Ballot Title: Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning the process of selecting candidates representing political parties on a general election ballot, and, in connection therewith, allowing an unaffiliated elector to vote in the primary election of a political party without declaring an affiliation with that party and permitting a political party in specific circumstances to select all of its candidates by assembly or convention instead of by primary election?

Election Results:

Votes For: 1,398,577 (53.3%)
Votes Against: 1,227,117 (46.7%)

Type of Change: Statutory

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS: [attachment "Prop 108 by County.xlsx" deleted by Erin Reynolds/CLICS]
