Ballot History
Year: 1997

Ballot Number: 1

Short Title: Tax and Fee Increases for Funding Transportation Projects

Ballot Title: State taxes shall be increased $172.8 million annually in the first full fiscal year of implementation, and by whatever additional amounts are raised annually thereafter, until the earlier of December 31, 2010, or the completion of projects described in the program approved on August 15, 1996 by the Colorado Transportation Commission, by an amendment to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning transportation funding, and, in connection therewith, increasing the fuel excise tax by 5¢ per gallon; increasing the motor vehicle registration fee by $10; imposing a new tax of $100 on the initial registration of certain motor vehicles; creating the Colorado Long Term Highway Needs Account and the Colorado Long Term Multi-Modal Transportation Needs Account; authorizing the study and implementation, if feasible, of toll roads to the extent that the revenues available are not sufficient to carry out the purposes of the measure; specifying the revenues to be deposited therein, the amount of revenues allocated to the state, counties, and municipalities, the transportation purposes for which the revenues may be expended, and that such revenues be collected and spent by the state, counties, and municipalities as a voter-approved revenue change under article X, section 20 of the Colorado Constitution.

Election Results:

Votes For: 109,663 (15.8%)
Votes Against: 585,055 (84.2%)

Type of Change: Statutory

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:

Categories: Taxation