Ballot History
Year: 2016

Ballot Number: Proposition 106

Short Title: Access to Medical Aid-in-Dying Medication

Ballot Title: Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes to permit any mentally capable adult Colorado resident who has a medical prognosis of death by terminal illness within six months to receive a prescription from a willing licensed physician for medication that can be self-administered to bring about death; and in connection therewith, requiring two licensed physicians to confirm the medical prognosis, that the terminally-ill patient has received information about other care and treatment options, and that the patient is making a voluntary and informed decision in requesting the medication; requiring evaluation by a licensed mental health professional if either physician believes the patient may not be mentally capable; granting immunity from civil and criminal liability and professional discipline to any person who in good faith assists in providing access to or is present when a patient self-administers the medication; and establishing criminal penalties for persons who knowingly violate statutes relating to the request for the medication?

Election Results:

Votes For: 1,765,786 (64.9%)
Votes Against: 956,263 (35.1%)

Type of Change: Statutory

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:
