Ballot History
Year: 1932

Ballot Number: 5

Short Title: Giving General Assembly power to provide for a limited income tax and a classified personal property tax to be used for public schools

Ballot Title: An act to permit a limited income tax for public schools and a classified personal property tax through amendment to Section 3 of Article X of the State Constitution: Authorizing classified taxation of personal property, graduated and proportional income taxes at a rate not in excess of 6%; providing exemptions requiring distribution of income tax revenue for support of public schools among the counties in proportion to school population and to the end of effecting relief from ad valorem taxation for public schools

Election Results:

Votes For: 101,438 (32.1%)
Votes Against: 214,464 (67.9%)

Type of Change: Constitutional

Initiative/Referendum: Initiative

Bill/Resolution #:
Election Results - SOS:
