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(By Year)

Short TitleYesNoOutcomeType of Change
Hide details for ReferendumReferendum
2Recall Expenses53%46%AdoptedConstitutional
3Limitations on Legislative Sessions52%47%AdoptedConstitutional
4Eight-Hour Workday Requirements67%32%AdoptedConstitutional
5Unpatented Mining Claims51%48%AdoptedConstitutional
Hide details for 19861986
Hide details for InitiativeInitiative
4Taxes - Voting37%62%RejectedConstitutional
Hide details for ReferendumReferendum
1Personnel System48%51%RejectedConstitutional
2County Officials Compensation45%54%RejectedConstitutional
3Municipal Franchises53%46%AdoptedConstitutional
Hide details for 19841984
Hide details for InitiativeInitiative
3Prohibit Public Funding of Abortions50%49%AdoptedConstitutional
4Voter Registration61%38%AdoptedStatutory
5Casino Gaming in Pueblo33%66%RejectedConstitutional
Hide details for ReferendumReferendum
1Appointment of Insurance Commissioner58%41%AdoptedConstitutional
2Qualified Electors72%27%AdoptedConstitutional
Hide details for 19821982
Hide details for InitiativeInitiative
5Refund on Beverage Containers25%74%RejectedStatutory
6Cessation of Nuclear Weapons Component Production in Colorado36%63%RejectedConstitutional
7Regulate the Sale of Wine in Grocery Stores34%65%RejectedStatutory
Hide details for ReferendumReferendum
1Shall sections 3 and 15 of article X of the Colorado Constitution be amended in the following manner: (a) regarding actual value and valuati65%34%AdoptedConstitutional
2An amendment to Section 19 of Article II of the Constitution of the State of Colorado, authorizing the denial of bail to persons accused of 82%17%AdoptedConstitutional
3Membership and Appointment of Judicial Discipline Commission77%22%AdoptedConstitutional
4An amendment to Section 7 of Article V of the Constitution of the State of Colorado concerning the elimination of the limitation on enactmen54%45%AdoptedConstitutional
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